May 30, 2024 @ 6pm online (Zoom)


1. Opening of the Meeting (followed by a short informal round of introductions)

2. Organization of the Meeting: Electing president and secretary of the meeting, scrutinizers of the minutes, and counters of votes

3. Quorum of the meeting

4. Review of current situation after the 2022-24 "break":

4.1. General situation

4.2. Financial situation

4.3. Membership

4.4. Networks

5. Plans, goals, and future activities

6. Election of the board of directors 2024-25

7. Election of an activity inspector and vice-inspector

8. Other issues

9. Closing of the meeting




May 31, 2022 @ 6pm online (Zoom)


1. Opening of the Meeting

2. Organization of the Meeting: Electing president and secretary of the meeting as well as scrutinizers of the minutes and counters of votes

3. Quorum of the meeting

4. Presenting the annual report, annual audit, and the inspector's report 2021

5. Approving the annual audit and discharging members of the board of directors from liability

6. Approving the 2022 program plan and annual membership dues

7. Election of the board of directors 2021-22

8. Election of an activity inspector and vice-inspector

9. Other issues: Discussion on the ITD Alliance membership for the 2022-23 season.

10. Closing of the meeting



Challenges and possibilities of interdisciplinary funding, May 6, 2021 at 14:15-16:00 EET. 

The goal of this event was to enhance dialogue so that Finnish funding agencies could better understand the circumstances which affect the possibilities of early-career interdisciplinarians in particular to gain funding. In addition, the event aimed to inform interdisciplinarians about the different funding agencies' specific expectations and goals as to interdisciplinarity. Our panelists included

Floora Ruokonen, Director of the Division of Social Sciences and Humanities Research at Academy of Finland,

Kalle Korhonen, Director of Research Funding at Kone Foundation;

Veli-Markus Tapio, Senior Advisor at the Finnish Cultural Foundation &

Minttu Jaakkola, Research Director at the Maj and Tor Nessling Foundation.

We also welcomed Q&A and comments from participants. The event was moderated by Dr. Ruta Kazlauskaite (Aalto University).

Recording of the event available here.


Productive Failure in Innovative Research, April 26, 2021, at 14:15-16:00 EET.

Failure is an inevitable part of research that aims to be innovative. Many of us are also familiar with failure when trying to get research funding or get our research published. However, failure is still not discussed productively in our academic community – instead, it is often hidden in shame. How to find courage and positive energy to keep going with our creative work, and convert our failures into fruitful lessons to be learned from?

Our event began with introductions from experts who have engaged with questions related to productive failure and innovation from different angles ranging from technology to environmental and educational sciences: Professor Karl-Erik Michelsen from Lappeenranta University of Technology, Dr. BinBin

Pearce from ETH Zürich, Switzerland and Dr. Jaakko Hilppö from the

University of Helsinki. We then proceeded to Q&A and joint discussion, inviting all participants to share thoughts and experiences about failure, innovation, and resilience.

Recording of the event available here.


Towards an Emotional Climate Change, March 15, 2021, at 14:15-16:00

In this event, we discussed what kinds of emotional intelligence skills and emotional challenges are especially relevant for interdisciplinary research, and how we could jointly develop more positive emotional climates to support our creative work and well-being as interdisciplinarians.

The skills of emotion regulation are fundamental for interdisciplinary research. Scholars with high levels of emotional intelligence are capable of recognizing the limits of their own knowledge, admitting and learning from failures, and being empathetic towards other people. Previous research shows that positive emotions play a crucial role for the successful development of innovative and interdisciplinary projects for individual scholars and research teams alike. At the same time, emotional and interactive tensions can affect the intellectual contents of research. Integrating ideas across fields can lead to intellectual conflicts and informational overload. These issues can become accentuated if the representatives of the different fields perceive one another as competitors. This may provoke feelings of inadequacy, inability, and dismissal of one's own expertise.

The improvement of emotional climates entails that we recognize the emotions experienced in our academic environments such as fear, sadness, anger, enthusiasm, and pride, as well as feelings such as shame and envy, which are experienced but not expressed due to feeling rules of academia. Previous research has shown that the high emotional intelligence of researchers correlates with emotional climates characterized by creativity and courage, whereas low emotional intelligence correlates with emotional climates characterized by fear and anxiety. This suggests that the creative potential of research communities can be enhanced through the development of emotional intelligence, while also critically considering the feeling rules that regulate the expression of emotions in our academic communities

The discussion was joined by Dr. Mikko Salmela (University of Helsinki; University of Copenhagen), who specializes in interdisciplinary research on emotions, as well as members of the Kudelma network, whose new HUMUS-project is developing a holistic approach to well-being through creative integration of environmental and medical sciences.




Monday, September 21, 2020 @ 6pm online (Zoom)


  • Opening of the meeting
  • Organization of the meeting: Electing president, secretary, scrutinizers of the minutes and counters of voters
  • Quorum of the meeting
  • Presenting the Annual report and the Activity inspector's report 2019
  • Approving the annual audit and discharging members of the Board of Directors from liability
  • Approving the program plan and annual membership dues
  • Election of the new board of directors
  • Election of an activity inspector and vice-inspector
  • Impact of Covid-19 on Finterdis activities during the next academic and planning of alternative strategies for supporting early-career interdisciplinarians digitally
  • Other issues
  • Closing of the meeting

Register to the meeting by September 17, 2020 by sending an email to

FINTERDIS is going to Amsterdam

The Association for Interdisciplinary Studies (AIS) Conference will be organized in Amsterdam between October 24-26, 2019. A team of FINTERDIS members will participate in the event to celebrate our collaboration with the international AIS as well as with the Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies at the University of Amsterdam. This is the first time the AIS conference will be organized in Europe, and we are very excited to be part of it!

FINTERDIS will contribute to a range of activities within the conference. In collaboration with the Dutch conference organizers including co-host Roosmarijn van Woerden, will will organize a workshop for early-career scholars. In this workshop, early-career scholars can discuss challenges they have experienced in their career and to think of solutions, with guidance from leading scholars in the field including professor Catherine Lyall, professor emerita Julie Thompson Klein, and professor Sven Arvidson.

FINTERDIS members Leena Helenius and Charlotta Holmström will organize a 90-minute workshop titled "Building Bridges Between Disciplines with the GHH Framework," inspired by their magnificent Kudelma network. A Finnish version of this workshop was organized during the FINTERDIS 1-year anniversary celebration in Helsinki on October 4, 2019 by Leena Helenius, Risto Willamo and Annika Nuotiomäki.

FINTERDIS Board member Blair Stevenson will organize a panel discussion titled "Interdisciplinarity and Project-based innovation" in collaboration with Isabelle Vandevyvere and Wolfgang Gruber. FINTERDIS vice president, Mikko Niemelä will present a poster titled "Constructing powerful knowledge through interdisciplinary curriculum. Kirsi Cheas is also moderating a panel that focuses on global exchanges between interdisciplinarians.

Want to join us in Amsterdam? More information available at:

FINTERDIS 1-year Anniversary Lecture & Workshops, Oct. 4, 2019 in Helsinki

Professor David Inglis gave the FINTERDIS 1-year Anniversary Lecture
Professor David Inglis gave the FINTERDIS 1-year Anniversary Lecture

The 1-year anniversary of FINTERDIS - The Finnish Interdisciplinary Society was celebrated on October 4, 2019. FINTERDIS was founded exactly one year ago to support especially early-career researchers and students in their efforts to engage in interdisciplinarity. Through our anniversary celebration, we wish to thank all our members for having contributed to our goals and activities and to invite more people to join our community. FINTERDIS is an autonomous, registered society open to all students, researchers, and teachers affiliated with universities across Finland and abroad, regardless of career stage or specialization.

The anniversary celebration took place at the Athena building, Siltavuorenpenger 3A, University of Helsinki. The program began with the FINTERDIS Anniversary Lecture in Hall 167:

10:15: Opening remarks by Kirsi Cheas, President of FINTERDIS: "Creative Creatures Crossing a Bridge: Where We Have Come and What Lies Ahead"

10:30-11:15: FINTERDIS 1-year Anniversary Lecture by Professor David Inglis: "(Up to) Eleven Theses on Interdisciplinarity: Power, Career, & Changing the World"

11:15-11:35: Q&A and Discussion

11:35-11:45: Closing remarks and short description of workshops to follow

(Lunch break)

13:00-14:30 FINTERDIS ANNIVERSARY WORKSHOPS (parallel sessions):

Workshop A (in English), Hall 169: Recognition of Interdisciplinary Academic Identities. A workshop to discuss challenges related to the process of building an academic career with an interdisciplinary identity and to explore possibilities to overcome such challenges at different career stages. Organized by FINTERDIS Board members Mikko Salmela (Senior researcher, Adjunct professor), Jarkko Vikman (Doctoral candidate), and Kirsi Cheas (Postdoctoral researcher).

Workshop B (in Finnish), Hall 166, organized by Leena Helenius (Doctoral candidate) and Risto Willamo (University lecturer), Description in Finnish: Kokonaisvaltaisen ajattelun työkalu GHH-kehys. Mitä yhteistä on kokonaisvaltaisella lähestymistavalla ja tieteidenvälisyydellä? Työpajassa pääset kokeilemaan Kudelma-verkoston GHH-kehystä, joka on kehitetty kompleksisten ilmiöiden tarkasteluun tieteenalasta riippumatta. Kehystä voi käyttää niin tutkimusprojektin jäsentämisen kuin oppimisen välineenä.

FINTERDIS wishes to thank the Faculty of Educational Sciences of the University of Helsinki for sponsoring us with the space for this event.




May 7, 2019 @ 6pm 

Svenska Social- och kommunalhögskolan, Snellmaninkatu 12, Helsinki. 


1. Opening of the Meeting

2. Organization of the Meeting: Electing president and secretary of the meeting as well as scrutinizers of the minutes and counters of votes

3. Quorum of the Meeting

4. Presenting the Annual report and the Inspector's report 2018-19

5. Approving the annual audit and discharging members of the Board of Directors from liability

6. Approving the program plan and annual membership dues

7. Election of the Board of Directors 2019-20

8. Election of an activity inspector and vice-inspector

9. Other issues

10. Closing of the Meeting


After the Annual Meeting, May 7, 2019 at 20:00-22:00, Roster Bar Lounge, Pohjoisesplanadi 17, Helsinki